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Cmd Line Launcher

Hi all,

Pharo Launcher 3.2 has just been released! It is available from http://pharo.org/download.

Pharo Launcher now comes with a command-line version that you can use from a terminal!
You can check the documentation of commands at https://pharo-project.github.io/pharo-launcher/commands-cmd-line/ as well as instructions to make pharo-launcher available on command line: https://pharo-project.github.io/pharo-launcher/installation/.

This nice feature is now available thanks to the contributions of Axel Marlard, David Bajger, and I as well as the support of Damien Pollet for the Clap library.

New features:

Command Line support

new commands

When creating an image, the image is now launched automatically.
The CI moved to Github Actions


Bug fixes:

The Pharo team.

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