Pharo Laucher command-line

This is list of subject oriented CLI commands of Pharo launcher, where subjects are Pharo VM, image, image process, or image template of launcher.
Use: pharo-launcher <command>

Command Sub-command Description
help Prints all supported Pharo launcher commands.
image All sub-commands related to management of local Pharo images. (Prints help only)
bisect Do a dichotomic search to find the first image where the evaluation of a script will be true.
copy Creates copy of given image with new name.
create Downloads and creates new image on local computer from remote site based on template name.
fromBuild Downloads and creates new image based on a the build number.
fromPR Downloads and creates new image based on a Github pull request number (from Inria CI server).
fromRepo Downloads and creates new image based on a template and loads user defined project from Github remote repository.
fromSHA Downloads and creates new image based on the commit SHA (7 letter string contained in the name of Pharo dev template).
delete Deletes the local image, including image directory content.
info Prints information about image: name, description, origin template, etc.
launch Launches image with using default (auto-detected) VM.
list Lists all local images from Pharo laucher repository.
package Creates a package containing all necessary artefacts to launch the image.
recreate Recreates the local image, the image argument determines the image name to recreate.
process All sub-commands related to Pharo processes. (Prints help only)
kill Kills the running Pharo process(es) of given image.
list Lists all running Pharo image processes.
template All sub-commands related to image templates. (Prints help only)
categories Lists all image template categories, based on which are image templates categorized.
info Prints information about image template name, origin url.
list Prints list of image templates.
update Update the sources.list file used by Pharo Launcher to list available templates.
vm All sub-commands related to VM management. (Prints help only)
delete Deletes VM executable from local computer, including dependencies.
info Prints information about VM: name, remote-site URL, last update status, etc.
list Lists all available VMs, with status.
update Updates VM executable, including depedent libs to latest version from remote site.

Getting started

Command line interface of Pharo Launcher is avaliable from directory, where launcher is installed.
Pharo Launcher CLI can be executed using: pharo-launcher <command> (choosing on of the commands above).

1. List Pharo images

You can start listing Pharo images deployed by Pharo launcher by: pharo-launcher image list This will give output like:

#  Name                                             Architecture Pharo version Last modified      
-- ------------------------------------------------ ------------ ------------- -------------------
1  Pharo 9.0 - 64bit (stable)                       64           90            2021-11-13 13:18:02
2  P8                                               64           80            2022-03-01 17:05:56
3  Pharo 11.0 - 64bit (development version, latest) 64           110           2022-05-30 15:40:21
4  Pharo10.0-PR-10553-64bit-5ce32be                 64           100           2022-06-02 16:50:21
5  Pharo 10.0 - 64bit (stable)                      64           100           2022-06-17 12:26:09

2. Create new Pharo image

New Pharo image can be created by executing: pharo-launcher image create myImage
This will efectively create Pharo image based on latest stable Pharo release template. Output looks like this:

Creating the local Pharo image based on template: Pharo 10.0 - 64bit (stable).
Please wait a moment.

You could check result by listing Pharo images again.

Note: There are other ways to create images, check sub-commands.

3. Launching Pharo image

To launch image, execute following: pharo-launcher image launch myImage
This will start new Pharo process and window with Pharo should be visible. Check command options, to see how to pass launch configuration.

4. Listing running Pharo images

To see, which Pharo images are running: pharo-launcher process list
Output will look similar like this:

3093 /home/dbajger/Pharo/vms/100-x64/lib/pharo /home/dbajger/Pharo/images/myImage/myImage.image

5. Kill running Pharo image process

To kill running Pharo process execute: pharo-launcher process kill myImage
This will kill all running images with name myImage.
You can also use specific PID, to precisely specify process to kill instead of name of image.

6. Create package with Pharo image

To pack existing image with VM and all artefacts you can run: pharo-launcher image package myImage /home/dbajger/fresh
This will create new directory in /home/dbajger/fresh with image and all artefacts.

Note: You can also use --zip option to have just zip archive with image artifacts (see details below).

7. Deleting existing image

To delete image and its directory, run: pharo-launcher image delete myImage
You can list Pharo images again to check that image is deleted.

Description of all Pharo Launcher CLI commands


This is help for command line interface of Pharo Launcher. Common purpose of laucher is to create Pharo image locally from remote site template, launch Pharo, eventually delete an image, update VMs, etc.
Run: pharo-launcher help

Image commands


Root command of all image commands, prints help only.
Run: pharo-launcher image to see help.

Image bisect

Do a dichotomic search to find the first image where the evaluation of a script will be true.


pharo-launcher image bisect  [--help] [--pharoVersion <pharoVersion-value>]


             Pharo version number to use for bisection (default is the current development Pharo version).


--help      Prints this documentation


This command is useful to find in which Pharo image a problem started to appear. Once ran, the command will ask you the first known faulty image, i.e. the first image you know that the problem is present, and then the last known correct image, i.e. the image you know the problem is absent. Then it will perform a dichotomic search between these 2 versions and download images in a special folder (Temporary directory / 'pl-bisect' + timestamp) and run them. You will be asked to answer if the problem is present or not in the image. The process will continue until the faulty image is found.

Image copy

Creates copy of given image with new name.


pharo-launcher image copy [--help] [<existingImageName>] [<newImageName>]


            Local image name to be copied.
            New image name of a copied image.


--help      Prints this documentation


#1: To copy existing image myImage and create new copy newImage from it, run:

pharo-launcher image copy myImage newImage

Image create

Downloads and creates new image on local computer from remote site based on template name (latest stable template is used by default).


pharo-launcher image create [--help] [--templateName <templateName-value>] [--templateCategory <templateCategory-value>] [<newImageName>]


            Name of the new Pharo image.


--help      Prints this documentation
--templateName <templateName-value>
            Template which will be used to create the image
--templateCategory <templateCategory-value>
            Specifies the template category to search the target template.


fromBuild, fromPR, fromRepo, fromSHA


#1: Creates an image (passing new image name as argument) based on the last pharo stable 64bits version:

pharo-launcher image create myNewImageName

#2: Creates an image based on the template Pharo 7.0 - 64bit (old stable) listed in Official distributions (default) template category:

pharo-launcher image create myNewImageName "Pharo 7.0 - 64bit (old stable)"

#3: Creates an image based on the template Pharo Mooc from template category Pharo Mooc:

pharo-launcher image create myNewImageName "Pharo Mooc" --templateCategory "Pharo Mooc"

Image create from build number

Downloads and creates new image based on a the build number contained in the Pharo development template.


pharo-launcher image create fromBuild [--help] [--pharoVersion <pharoVersion-value>] [--newImageName <newImageName-value>] [<buildNumber>]


            Pharo build number, from which will be template found and image created.


--help      Prints this documentation
--pharoVersion <pharoVersion-value>
            Version of Pharo to be downloaded.
--newImageName <newImageName-value>
            Name of the new Pharo image (template name is used by default).


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Image create from pull request

Downloads and creates new image based on a Github pull request number from the successful build of Inria CI server used by Pharo project.


pharo-launcher image create fromPR [--help] [--newImageName <newImageName-value>] [--templateName <templateName-value>] [--templateCategory <templateCategory-value>] [<pullRequest>]


            Github pull request number, from which will be image created. If missing, project with its baseline is used to determine correct template.


--help      Prints this documentation
--newImageName <newImageName-value>
            Name of the new Pharo image (template name is used by default).
--templateName <templateName-value>
            Template which will be used to create the image
--templateCategory <templateCategory-value>
            Specifies the template category to search the target template.


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Image create from remote repository

Downloads and creates new image based on a template and loads user defined project from Github remote repository into image.


pharo-launcher image create fromRepo [--help] [--newImageName <newImageName-value>] [--templateName <templateName-value>] [--templateCategory <templateCategory-value>] [--subfolder <subfolder-value>] [--baseline <baseline-value>] [--group <group-value>] [<repository>]


            Github Repository full name (e.g. {owner}/{project} or {owner}/{project}:{branchOrTag}), from which will be project loaded (based on baseline) into created image.


--help      Prints this documentation
--newImageName <newImageName-value>
            Name of the new Pharo image (template name is used by default).
--templateName <templateName-value>
            Template which will be used to create the image
--templateCategory <templateCategory-value>
            Specifies the template category to search the target template.
--subfolder <subfolder-value>
            The sub-folder containing the code. By default ''src'' sub-folder is used.
--baseline <baseline-value>
            Specifies the project baseline to be loaded by Metacello command (e.g. PharoLauncher) in PascalCase format. If not specified, baseline is determined from repository name.
--group <group-value>
            Defines the group as a loadable spec containing only a sub part of the project. If not specified, group 'default' is used.


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Image create from SHA commit

Downloads and creates new image based on the commit SHA (7 letter string) of Pharo build process contained in the name of Pharo development template.


pharo-launcher image create fromSHA [--help] [--pharoVersion <pharoVersion-value>] [--newImageName <newImageName-value>] [<sha>]


<sha>       Commit SHA (7 letters) of Pharo image development template, from which will be  image created.


--help      Prints this documentation
--pharoVersion <pharoVersion-value>
            Version of Pharo to be downloaded.
--newImageName <newImageName-value>
            Name of the new Pharo image (template name is used by default).


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Image delete

Deletes the local image, including image directory content.


pharo-launcher image delete [--help] [<existingImageName>]


            Local image name to be deleted.


--help      Prints this documentation


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Image info

Prints information about image: name, description, origin template, etc.


pharo-launcher image info [--help] [--brief] [--rowMode] [--delimiter <delimiter-value>] [--ston] [<existingImageName>]


            Determines the local image name to print detailed information.


--help      Prints this documentation
--brief     Prints only name attribute (with leading sequence number).
--rowMode   Prints one attribute per line only.
--delimiter <delimiter-value>
            Specifies the table-cell delimiter that delimits listed information attributes.
--ston      Prints information in STON format.


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Image launch

Launches image with using default (auto-detected) VM.


pharo-launcher image launch [--help] [--script <script-value>] [<existingImageName>]


            Specifies the local image name to be launched.


--help      Prints this documentation
--script <script-value>
            Determines a path to the script when launching an Image.


#1: To launch image (passing image name argument) with default VM use:

pharo-launcher image launch "Pharo 7.0 - 32bit (new 23)"

#2: To launch image with launch script:

pharo-launcher image launch "Pharo 7.0 - 32bit (new 23)" --script /script/path/

Image list

Lists all local images from Pharo laucher repository.


pharo-launcher image list [--help] [--nameFilter <nameFilter-value>] [--brief] [--rowMode] [--delimiter <delimiter-value>] [--ston]


--help      Prints this documentation
--nameFilter <nameFilter-value>
            Images listing will be filtered by the provided name filter.
--brief     Prints only name attribute (with leading sequence number).
--rowMode   Prints one attribute per line only.
--delimiter <delimiter-value>
            Specifies the table-cell delimiter that delimits listed information attributes.
--ston      Prints information in STON format.


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Image package

Creates a package containing all necessary artefacts to launch the image.


pharo-launcher image package [--help] [--zip] [--vm <vm-value>] [<existingImageName>] [<location>]


            Local image name, for which is package created.
            Specifies the directory path, where resulting package will be stored.


--help      Prints this documentation
--zip       Creates the package with image as a ZIP file.
--vm <vm-value>
            Specifies the VM used for launching the image.


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Image recreate

Recreates the local image, the image argument determines the image name to recreate.


pharo-launcher image recreate [--help] [<existingImageName>]


            Local image name to recreate.


--help      Prints this documentation

Process commands


Root command of all process commands, prints help only.
Run: pharo-launcher process to see help.

Process kill

Kills the running Pharo process(es) of given local image.


pharo-launcher process kill [--help] [--all] [<existingImageName>]


            Specifies the local image name to kill its process.


--help      Prints this documentation
--all       Determines whether to kill all running Pharo image processes.


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Process list

Lists all running Pharo image processes.


pharo-launcher process list [--help]


--help      Prints this documentation


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Template commands


Root command of all template commands, prints help only.
Run: pharo-launcher template to see help.

Template categories

Prints list of image template categories.


pharo-launcher template categories [--help] [--brief] [--rowMode] [--delimiter <delimiter-value>] [--ston]


--help      Prints this documentation
--brief     Prints only name attribute (with leading sequence number).
--rowMode   Prints one attribute per line only.
--delimiter <delimiter-value>
            Specifies the table-cell delimiter that delimits listed information attributes.
--ston      Prints information in STON format.


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Template info

Prints information about image template name, origin url.


pharo-launcher template info [--help] [--templateCategory <templateCategory-value>] [<templateName>]


            Specifies the template name to print information.


--help      Prints this documentation
--templateCategory <templateCategory-value>
            Specifies the template category name to list image templates.


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Template list

Prints list of image templates.


pharo-launcher template list [--help] [--templateCategory <templateCategory-value>] [--brief] [--rowMode] [--delimiter <delimiter-value>] [--ston]


--help      Prints this documentation
--templateCategory <templateCategory-value>
            Specifies the template category name to list image templates from given category.
--brief     Prints only name attribute (with leading sequence number).
--rowMode   Prints one attribute per line only.
--delimiter <delimiter-value>
            Specifies the table-cell delimiter that delimits listed information attributes.
--ston      Prints information in STON format.


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Template update

Update the sources.list file used by Pharo Launcher to list available templates. It will download the latest official sources.list available for Pharo Launcher and install it as the new source.


pharo-launcher template update

Virtual machine commands


Root command of all VM commands, prints help only.
Run: pharo-launcher vm to see help.

VM delete

Deletes VM executable from local computer, including dependencies.


pharo-launcher vm delete [--help] [<existingVirtualMachineId>]


            Specifies the local Virtual Machine ID.


--help      Prints this documentation


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VM info

Prints information about VM: name, remote-site URL, last update status, etc.


pharo-launcher vm info [--help] [<existingVirtualMachineId>]


            Specifies the local Virtual Machine ID.


--help      Prints this documentation


VM list

Lists all available VMs, with status.


pharo-launcher vm list [--help] [--brief] [--rowMode] [--delimiter <delimiter-value>] [--ston] [<existingVirtualMachineId>]


            Specifies the local Virtual Machine ID.


--help      Prints this documentation
--brief     Prints only name attribute (with leading sequence number).
--rowMode   Prints one attribute per line only.
--delimiter <delimiter-value>
            Specifies the table-cell delimiter that delimits listed information attributes.
--ston      Prints information in STON format.


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VM update

Updates VM executable, including dependent libs to latest version from remote site.


pharo-launcher vm update [--help] [<existingVirtualMachineId>]


            Specifies the local Virtual Machine ID.


--help      Prints this documentation


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