Screenshot of Pharo Launcher taskbar

Global Commands

VM command Open a window to list and manage Pharo Virtual Machines that can be used by Pharo Launcher. More information in the Manage vms section.

Settings command Open Pharo Launcher Settings window. More information on the various settings in the Settings section.

About command Open a dialog with information about the current Pharo Launcher version.

Quit command Exit Pharo Launcher.

Image Commands

New image command Create a new Pharo image.

Launch command Launch the selected Pharo image with the selected launch configuration.

Basic launch command Launch the selected Pharo image with the selected launch configuration without global settings (e.g. settings loaded for all you Pharo image or by Pharo image version).

Launch image from disk command Launch an image from anywhere on the file system.

Import image command Import an image from the file system. A pop-up will ask you if you want to import the whole image parent folder or just the image file and associated files (changes, sources, etc.).

Refresh image command Refresh the list of images by scanning again the image repository.

Show image command Open a system file browser on the selected image file.

Delete image command Delete the currently selected image.

Image contextal menu commands Additional commands available through the contextual menu:

  • Rename an image
  • Copy the full path name of the selected image to the clipboard
  • Copy the launch command used to by Pharo Launcher to launch the selected launch configuration (and image) to the clipboard.
  • Create a template from the currently selected image. Template will become available in the Templates category.
  • Create a template from the currently selected image and delete the image. Template will become available in the Templates category.

Template Commands

Template contextal menu commands Template commands are available through the contextual menu:

  • you can rename a template
  • or delete a template from the local cache.

Virtual Machine Commands

Update vm command Will update the selected virtual machines by fetching them again from their known location.

Show vm command Open a system file browser on the selected Pharo Virtual Machine.

Delete vm command Delete the currently selected Pharo Virtual Machine.

Private vm command Toggle button used to select either Virtual Machines used to run Pharo image, or Virtual Machines used to determine Pharo version of an image (based on the image format number).